Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tasting - Neu Direction Cabernet Sauvignon 2010

Name: Neu Direction Cabernet Sauvignon 2010
Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon
Region: Mendoza
Country: Argentina
Year: 2010
Price: $7.95

Winery Review: This cabernet Sauvignon shows very good purity of fruit and skillful winemaking. This wine is full of black-fruit aromas, depth and style. The palate pushes ripe plum and berry fruit along with chocolate, and the finish is chewy and correct in terms of tannins and structure.

My Review: After this wine was poured, I could immediately smell it from the table  without any swirling at all. It had a very strong smell that was immediately released. I smelled strong aromas of plum and hints of rose. The smell actually reminded me of an Indian delicacy called paan which I have had quite a bit. The taste also had the plum characteristics, but it also tasted woody with a nice finish. This was my favorite wine of the tasting.

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